Choosing a Retirement Community
Life Plan Community (formerly known as continuing care retirement community [CCRC]) options and costs can vary widely. To receive the most benefit, look for a community in Kansas City that offers the services, amenities, lifestyle, and residence options that most appeal to your personal interests.
Financial Stability
Stewardship – along with hospitality and respect – is one of the three key values of Bishop Spencer Place of Kansas City. To be good stewards, we believe we must be financially sound to ensure the full continuum of quality retirement and health services for the security of our residents.
Economic Value
Bishop Spencer Place puts you in control of your future – you live where you want to live, and only pay for health services if you need them. This means you’ll retain more of your money, since you are not prepaying for health care services you may never need.
Tax Advantages
Among other benefits, residents at Life Plan Communities like Bishop Spencer Place may take advantage of considerable tax savings.
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