Bishop Spencer PlaceLocated near the Country Club Plaza, Bishop Spencer Place is a distinguished retirement community with easy access to culture, cuisine, and adventure.
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Lunch & Learn: Staying Healthy During the Winter Months

from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm



Enjoy a delicious and healthy lunch and hear from Saint Luke’s Bishop Spencer Place Medical Director, Anthony Jackson, MD.

Dr. Jackson is a board-certified physician at Saint Luke’s Perryman Primary Care – Plaza focused on enhancing patients’ quality of life during the aging process.

Dr. Jackson will discuss tips for staying healthy during the winter months when cold, flu, and COVID-19 infections tend to peak.



Thursday, Oct. 24

11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Saint Luke’s Bishop Spencer Place

4301 Madison Avenue

Kansas City, MO 64111


RSVP for yourself and a guest by Oct. 17 by calling 816-595-5878.

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  • *If you do not have access to email, please contact Linda Franke at 816-595-5878
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